Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I wanted to say something but then I realized my thoughts are not sought out enough to share
that is that I don’t have enough care
and compassion for mistakes and things that uncontrollably will happen
and then it’s like who am I when will I die, am I already dead
I mean because my soul is filled with all this dread.
So really is this me or something that will cause me to go crazy eventually
well ya know what, NO!

what is key, is believing that I define satisfaction
It may seem crazy to those who do not understand passion
because passion and compassion is what brought me through
providing strength to continue
and it will send me again on my way
because there is nothing but the present day

so dream again
because to feel you don’t have to pretend
in the moment love
love is something sent from above
a mystical power that defeats what evil may devour
possibilities and things that cause separation between you and me.

turn it around
you’re too pretty to be sad 
and don’t worry about that "dad" (who was never around)
that took something of yours that wasn't properly found.
love your insides love yourself it’s the closest thing you’ll have in this world.
No one can take away your motivation,
lighten your hesitation to be GREAT
and all you were meant to be.

Simplistically it may appear to be to others
but wait what is it that you want for your future brothers/daughter.

HOPE what is it well that may depend 
you hope and take things for granted 
feel you understand too much and the don’t know enough.
so slowing down, eliminate comparing
and then contrast yourself if you’re daring
to LIVE.

Live life as it was meant to be that is experience
spiritual gravity
what holds both you and me
Love … that thing that internally I have been missing.

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