Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Don't go I still love you SO

I don't feel good but who is going to save me? 
I need to let present moments exist and the past simply be 

I don't know how to live freely 
People have told me I write elegantly but that's grace ya see!?!?!

Not me...
How could you understand this perplexity

Take what you want and ignore what you can't live by 
That's the way of any Christian in my eyes 

but I don't know 
Because I haven't had the willingness to grow 

Because there's a constant show 
or replay in my head 

(Creating an imaginary reality)
Of the reasons why I wish I was dead
Say, ... 
why was he mislead 

And she gone astray 
My mom lost her way

Eons before I came a long 
So there wasn't room for my own song

I'm singing melodies of what I should be 
Based on the insecurities 
That have compiled to cover up ME

...Mad mad mad
...Sad sad sad
I still love you so, I can't let you go
I love you ehw baby I love you 
[-led Zeppelin]
Don't go 

But the terror is so real 
It takes away my ability to feel 

My guilt... it is somehow able to surpass 
Any connection that "seems" to last

Because my memories relapse
Life isn't simple, so I cannot grasp 

Anything other than being better than all that was done to me 
Woa woa, there's a lack of simplicity 

My lips are chapped 
Asking for water but the source is not tapped 

...Mad mad mad
...Sad sad sad
I still love you so, I can't let you go
I love you ehw baby I love you
[-led Zeppelin]
Don't go 

Monday, February 8, 2016

choices of Casey

Casey, and Everyone
watch the choices that you make
the advice that you take
and the Being that you forsake

it's okay to take care
but not share
in another persons despair
especially if they are not going anywhere

yet when there's too much weight to bare
you can't send their soul off for repair

yet when there's too much weight to bare
We can't send your soul off for repair

that person must declare
that his/her life wasn't fair
and their current situation's a nightmare
hopeful that they'll come up for some air
being so sickened of swirling and swimming
in a whirlpool where their future is dimming
no we're not condemning
just wishing that they would start living!
and take responsibility
and begin to act sensibly

you must declare
that something you experienced wasn't fair
and your current situation's a nightmare
and please just come up for some air
tell us that you're suffering and swimm'n
locked in a cage and your future's just'a dimm'n
understand that we're not preventing nor condemning
just wanting you to have a reason for living!
and use Honesty and support to take responsibility
and let us all start living sensibly

but know that whomever does care - I love you Casey.

Monday, November 23, 2015


an E-z
torn a p a r t
from go there is no start

Fake Everything

The world is so fake
how much can we bend before we remake
you thought that I would say break
haha your mistake
just like every other thought
its fear that you'll be caught
exposed for some kind of fraud
Who or what is really God

Monday, September 21, 2015

Self love

What I want isn't what I need 
I have this itch that I just can't reach 
My desires are never at ease 
My life is supposed to preach 
Save, show, and grow are enemies but Strategies 
To each of the goals that I can achieve
But doubt is inability to believe
Worries have me on my knees
Who or what am I trying to please
Help, help, help, me to get my mind at peace 
My structure is wavering 
I'm wondering if you've ever seen 
Who would be any more deserving 
Of loving my own being!

Friday, September 18, 2015


We're scared of those things
for a reason because with certainty 

there's the the reality that we'd have to receive things completely in their there entirety

Creativity pour out of me with a fiery furry